Fundacion Hypatia


We share skills and knowledge that awaken areas of consciousness that are dormant, for the purpose of expanding our sensitivity, the capacity for perception and contemplation. Paying attention to the daily practice of these virtues favors the development of peace, wellbeing and individual transformation.


The observer

Internal alignment


Tune in with the heart





Spiritual intelligence

Creative word

Virtuous networks




Ethics of care

Community of life

The breathing

The respiration process is the regenerating source of life that is replicated in all natural ecosystems. Cells, human beings, the animal and plant world breathe in a continuous flow of contraction and expansion of energy. Bringing awareness to the intentional practice of inhalation and exhalation activates the force of revitalization and reciprocity between the macrocosm and the microcosm.

The Observer

The internal observer is one who can contemplate simultaneously and with detachment the internal and external aspects of the human being, being a witness and not a victim of thoughts, emotions, ego and stimuli, reducing the sensation of stress, burden and anguish associated with them. The daily practice of self-observation accelerates the evolutionary process and broadens ethical, ecological and spiritual awareness.

Internal alignment

In the last five centuries we have specialized in the material world outside, we have left the internal universe without guidance and custody. For its full development, the human being needs to process and order its psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects. Alignment or meditation techniques are essential to maintain health, balance and inner axis.


Due to the modern rhythm of life we live with an excess of mental and environmental noise. Developing the habit of producing spaces of silence is an ancient practice that reconnects us with the essence of life and sustains our inner balance or harmony. Bringing awareness to what happens in silence allows us to rest, decant and enjoy the regeneration of our energy.

Tune in with the heart

We are moving from the culture of the ego to the culture of collaboration that seeks to integrate individual well-being with the collective. The intuitive nature and intelligence of the heart allows us to move in this direction. Tuning with the heart implies recognizing, receiving, feeling and expanding the energy field of love as a source of vital energy for the health and well-being of our community of life.


Discernment, or the ability to separate the chaff from the wheat, is a fundamental virtue in a century characterized by excess information and the irruption of the digital world. We are more than 70% of the time in the mental body, causing an imbalance in the physical, emotional and spiritual body, and altering the harmony in the regenerative energy flow of life.


Integrity emerges by living in coherence between what I feel, think, communicate and do. When this does not happen, imbalances appear that favor disease. To develop integrity, or inner coherence, it is necessary to align thoughts, feelings, words and actions, which directly impact our health and well-being, and that of those around us.


The encounter with the gift or personal potential is a source of happiness and fulfillment for the human being. The anguish generated by not knowing our meaning of life disappears. By deepening in my self-knowledge my purpose or "I am" is manifested. Strengthening the bond with the heart, practicing integrity, and sharing my special service with the community strengthens the inner fire.


The recognition of the interdependence between all beings, forms of life and ecosystems that make us up is essential for the conservation of life as we know it today. And a declaration of respect, humility, listening and reciprocity as part of the planetary community of life that we depend on for future generations.

Spiritual intelligence

Spiritual Intelligence (S.I.) is the primordial intelligence of the human being, the one with which we solve problems of transcendence and significance, and we give meaning to our collective evolutionary process. The S.I. it is characterized by its holistic and ecosystemic outlook, by its horizontality, flexibility, generosity, inclusion, equity, ethics and integrity.

Creative word

The word builds reality. Various scriptures of ancient cultures have delved into the creative power of the word. Observation, caution and daily work with our word ¬–its presence, quality, content, coherence, tone and intention– broaden our level of consciousness and alert us about the impact on ourselves, others and the world around us.

Virtuous networks

The awakening of consciousness depends not only on individual will but on our ability to engage with people with a common purpose. Being part of these networks is one of the most satisfying experiences for the soul, as it contributes to collective health and intelligence. Through them we are capable of regenerating ourselves and other ecosystems outside the network.


Regeneration is the ecological concept to define respect for the cycles of rest, restoration and revitalization of Nature, necessary to reproduce life, health and abundance. As part of these cycles, the human being also need an order, limits and rest to regenerate the health of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.


It is the force that leads us to restore and return the abundance we have received for the regeneration of ecosystem harmony. It is about the awareness of balance and fairness about how much I take and how much I give in the various areas of life to restore the impact of my actions and omissions in the community.


The 21st Century will be the century of love. We all know its laws because we carry them internally at a chemical, biological and cellular level, and as intuitive or spiritual wisdom. What we have been experiencing is only the fear of love, but over the next few centuries we will expand its potential, power of regeneration and awakening of consciousness.

Ethics of care

Principle of compassion, humility and service inherent to the human being that leads to the balance and regeneration of beauty and abundance in our community of life. The care of the micro, the simple and the small that leads to an awakened awareness of the impact of our frequency on the whole.

Community of life

We live together as a terrestrial family and a planetary community, linked through the heart of the universe, the heart of The Earth and the heart of each of the beings. An awakened and active consciousness of unity, reciprocity and interdependence allows us to transmute individual and collective wounds for our flourishing and healing.