Fundacion Hypatia

what we do

We are a non-profit organization that works towards transforming the way in which we relate to ourselves, others and nature. We generate spaces for selfknowledge, spiritual intelligence, female leadership and the regeneration of our community, in order to awaken ethical and ecological consciousness.

han asistido a nuestras entrevistas presenciales
+ 1800
have followed our interviews online
+ 416000
have trained in Spiritual Intelligence
+ 1000

interview cycle

Find out about our interviews with pioneers, activists, the learned and agents of change, along with their life experiences and formation

Community of life

We live together as a terrestrial family and a planetary community, linked through the heart of the universe, the heart of The Earth and the heart of each of the beings. An awakened and active consciousness of unity, reciprocity and interdependence allows us to transmute individual and collective wounds for our flourishing and healing.

Ethics of care

Principle of compassion, humility and service inherent to the human being that leads to the balance and regeneration of beauty and abundance in our community of life. The care of the micro, the simple and the small that leads to an awakened awareness of the impact of our frequency on the whole.


The 21st Century will be the century of love. We all know its laws because we carry them internally at a chemical, biological and cellular level, and as intuitive or spiritual wisdom. What we have been experiencing is only the fear of love, but over the next few centuries we will expand its potential, power of regeneration and awakening of consciousness.


It is the force that leads us to restore and return the abundance we have received for the regeneration of ecosystem harmony. It is about the awareness of balance and fairness about how much I take and how much I give in the various areas of life to restore the impact of my actions and omissions in the community.